My Friends - The Five

 It’s been a while.

I won’t dwell on why I have been absent from this project, but I just want it to be on the record that I absolutely love what I’ve been absorbed into instead and it is somewhat a pity that I can’t really show or talk about what that is in a public setting. Life is odd.

The only sad thing with the redirection of my focus is that I had such an abundance of ideas for texts to be written, and an initial commitment to get them out before the summer became to strong too ignore, but alas - the ideas are still left unwritten and now I’m not too sure if I will care about them in the same way.

We’ll see.


I’m back though in order to talk about a new group of… friends that have entered my consciousness and I like to present them here if only for my own future remembrance. These characters are an example of “spiritual creativity” and I realise it might be necessary for me to stress the “Kastrupian ambiguity” about this category of beings, as it is in this case. This group of Five is not something I would put in the category of “reality” but they aren’t either completely fictitious. They are mythic creatures, personally crafted only to fit my own perspective, cultural taste and so on and therefor rather weak in this sense, but well.. They are still real in some way to understand that word, exactly in what way is entirely impossible for me to know at this point.

Another thing to point out with them is that they are symbolic, creative, representations of aspects of reality that 100% exist and that every conscious human relates to constantly and undeniably. In terms of belief I don’t have to “believe” in them at all, I see and interact with them constantly - it’s simply both more fun, easy and enjoyable to do that also in an anthropomorphised, creative way than to just speak about the aspects abstractly. I wouldn’t even say the latter is more correct. It’s just more plain and boring.

Anyway. Say hi to my new friends if you will:


The grandest of the group. She’s distinctly older than the others and functions in a way that easily can be seen as distant and even cold. She’s always dressed in black and seldom have any expressions playing in her face. It would be wrong to see her as dark or evil though, she’s nothing of the sort - her age and stature just makes her more detached than the others. Maya is representing the physical room. Every experience that has dimensions, physical rules and regulations has Maya within it. Our 3d-reality is heavily governed by her and nothing can happen without her guidance and control. It might be easy to dislike her because of how strict and unforgiving she is, but then one must realise that one forgets that Maya allows for infinite structure - as long as Maya is in full control one can use logic and rationality and if correctly applied everything will make sense. Maya provides security like no one else and the more perfect a subject one allows oneself to be the more secure she can make you be.


Gaia may be younger than Maya, but she is still a holder of a respecting age for sure. Gaia lives close to Maia and follows her almost exclusively in terms of behavior and tendencies. However, she allows herself to be more colorful - dressing in glorious dresses in green and blue and allowing her hair to play more freely in her styles. Gaia loves to create, she endlessly is trying out new ways of expressing herself and her temperament. She does this, though, in line with Mayas rules and guidance and she would never allow herself to break free from Mayas way of being.

Gaia represents here biology, life simply put. The strange way in how matter can act according to wills and intelligently informed desires to form agents is the realm of Gaia. It’s a divine miracle in of itself but apart from that it’s still a process that adhers to every physical laws one can imagine. It’s Maya, yet it isn’t Maya at all.


Compared to the other two, Sophia is a mere child and it shows in many ways. Sophia has an ambition that is lacking in the other two. She is the driving force between much of the change happening in existence and even if she by necessity has to be lower in rank than the elder two, she still can be seen as in charge. This leads to rather much of tension and Sophia herself is torned between tendencies to loyally adhere to the other two or to actually openly rebel against them. She likes to dress lightly and simple, often with just a white dress to a simple, elegant, lighter hairstyle.

Sophia’s most important tool is the aspect of language. Through language she can create worlds and aspects of reality that the other two really can’t touch. Language, in contrast to materia, is also a quick tool that can generate magnitudes more products than what for instance Gaia can with her tools of biological organisms. This allow Sophia to be both intensely varied as more nuanced than her elders. She is almost anything she wants to be.

Sophia represents humanity, especially our ability that through language and abstract thought step into a dimension of reality not governed by physical laws. At the same time it’s through these faculties we can discover and explore the worlds of Maya and Gaia so our human abilities are not in direct conflict to the material world. It’s just a level up, a young level up, we don’t really know what our abilities are and what they will be able to do in the grander schemes of things.


With Luna we take a huge step back up on the age pyramid. Luna is almost ageless, in fact it is almost impossible to determine her age. She’s at least as old as Maya and even if no one is able to know she most certainly is way older. Her demeanor is therefore very strange and  honestly borderline scary. As Maya, she dresses in black and in a styöe that covers almost all of her being, it’s even on the level that she barely interacts with the others. She’s her own.

It’s speculated that this behavior is because she is in open conflict with Maia, but that isn’t true. Even if it’s properly to describe them as rivals to some degree they have a clear agreement between them. Maya has control of “the day” and Luna governs “the night” - but even as such Luna acts a lot in accordance to Mayas principles, even if she never has too. In short, the two elders doesn’t hate each other, at least not anymore, it’s simply such that Luna finds it easier to act mostly on her own.

Luna represents both our nightly dreams, but also our vivid imaginations and day dreams. Everything that seems purposeless and all those experiences that the Materialist found uncomfortable to speak openly about but still happens to us in plenty. Luna is separate from this dimension in terms that we have hard to distill the utility of her functions but she’s deeply within it in terms of how they happens. There’s always something in our being that seems to operate in contrast or in parallel to all other functions of our organic life.


Lucy is definitely the strangest of them all. She’s an explosion of colors and complex dressing styles, so much so, that she has an aura of being a shapeshifter compared to the others. She’s so utterly different that the others don't really know how to interact with her, all of them except Luna. Luna and Lucy understand each other very well, so much so that they can seem as two sides of the same coin, two iterations of the same persona. Only that where Luna is somber and outwardly cold, Lucy is vibrant and brimming with energy.

Lucy is the hardest one to detect in ordinary life, yet I will strictly concur that she is just as visible and tangible in all of our experiences as the others. Lucy represents divinity and mythology,aspects of reality our time has banished to our subconscious and fear more deeply than anything else. This leads to a situation where many deny her existence entirely, which is rather absurd, because we still have portals and several tools to make her presence fully visible. Psychedelics is in my opinion the King of these tools but long from the only one. In any case it’s enough with a heightened awareness and mythological knowledge and respect to be able to see her also in a normal, sober state of mind.

Yet, I will agree that Lucy is weaker than the others in our normal experiences, she stands for something we don't know how to handle. The last step on a journey into a fully embodied way of being in touch with full reality. I’m not sure how we as a society will be able to take that step or if we will be forced to stay in divine-less limbo for what will seem like forever. The only thing I surely know is that I, even if I have vowed to say no to psychedelics and the search for spiritually charged experiences for this part of my personal journey, always will long for the true return of Lucy. Her realm, her way of being is what I wish to call home. It truly is like that. Lucy is always what I look for, is always what I hope to see more of.


Well, this is the Five. My new pantheon of “gods” or what you will. To me they aren’t in contrast to Christ or anything in my nominal faith. I’m fully aware that even in the perspective where they are actual beings they are all coming from and are seated in the heart of the Father, the source of all being and all of their actions and general being can be in full co- operation with Christ and his patterns or be seen to be dramatically opposed to him. The Five are simply Creation as it is and as with everything created it can not be outside of the Father, but at the same time it isn’t equal to the Father just because of it.

In any case I enjoy their company tremendously.  


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