My own personal Trickster Djinns - A presentation of Mr Octobre and Lil Alec

Perhaps my biggest gripe with Christian mythology is the absence and the lack of space for the Trickster archetype. The trickster is a divine character whose biggest trait is that it misbehaves. It's morally neutral but for different reasons it cannot stop to act out annoying, irritating, infuriating stuff. One of the great examples of this is Loke from Norse mythology. He is not one of the gods ("good" dudes) but he is related to them, he is not a proper giant ("bad" dudes) but joins them in the end and through the stories he just messes stuff up. Sometimes because he is frustrated with one of the asgods, sometimes purely because the fun of shits and giggles and sometimes again because misbehavings and mischiefs just pops out of him like apples out of an apple tree. Emil in Astrid Lindgrens stories is also a cute example, but in the children's books genre and scale - a kindhearted boy that simply can't stop doing mischievous acts - even if he desperately intends the opposite. That's the Trickster trope! 

In Christianity there is as said no room for the archetype. There are angels (good dudes) and demons (bad dudes) and a Father God which in the Old Testament especially embodies the summation of both Good and Bad. After the new testament he is only summum bonum and the devil has taken over the responsibility for all the bad stuff. No one mentioned here can be a trickster, as in someone that performs ultimately bad actions but with morally neutral or even good intentions. When Father God goes berserk in the Old Testament, Christians of today needs to assume that His intentions still are just and fair - which drives non-christians reading the texts bonkers, and for good reason too. God is archetypically evil in those passages, there is no Devil yet (The snake in the garden? The snake in the garden needs its own article, so let's put a pin on that for now) but Father God as a Trickster makes no good sense. Is the Creator messing with his creation just for the fun of it? Christians can't simply accept this thought.  

So there is a need for adjustment and therefor I have accepted a concept from Islam and muslim mythology, namely the Djinn. Islam still have angels (good dudes) and demons (bad dudes) but there is also a similarly created sibling to us, which is the Djinn. From what I understand the Djinn lives in a parallel world to us, they are our cosmological neighbor if you like, and their different abilities therefor make them appear spirit-like or supernatural to us. They really isn't though, they share much of our conditions - especially that they have free will and that they need to decide between good and evil acts precisely as we have to. So there is all kinds of Djinns, good ones, bad ones and everything in between. They can visit our world but when they are doing so, they seem supernatural or are just vague and hard to notice, which is why they are a creature of myth and legend and not factual creatures of existence. 

Actually, when it comes to the NHI and the UAP- phenomenon, if I had to take a bet right now I would go with the Djinn theory on these subjects. The reports around extra terrestrials and abductions or what have you is according to this hypothesis all reports of Djinns messing around in our dimension. This would explain why the reports really can't decide if the aliens in question are mainly good or mainly evil. They are both. Visiting djinns comes in different factions, some are hostile to humanity, some benevolent, some simply don't care about us but are here for different reasons. Again, they are not strictly spiritual so they would still have a need for physical resources and such. And since they are supposed to be our equal it's not surprising if they would be ahead of us in certain areas but behind in others - which would explain why their technology is oddly vulnerable for crashes and such that really shouldn't happen to a technology in our realm that is a few millenniums worth of evolution ahead of our own. The djinns can have seemingly supernatural technology because their physics is slightly different than ours, but they are still only (their version of) evolved primates doing stuff they barely understand. 

Note that this is pure speculation at this point (and not really mine to begin with, credit to the Reddit hivemind of r/highstrangeness and r/ufo) since all evidence is either too vague or simply classified and not available for proper studies. Incredibly frustrating topic to try to be interested in. Something paranormal is clearly going on, you have to be a moron or a materialist (same thing but I digress) to deny that, but any attempts of investigation hits a wall of silence that leaves you even more intrigued in the end. What in the heavens is going on? 


A more thorough discussion about UAP:s have to wait for another time though, it was just relevant to expand on to describe the Djinn properly. A concept I now mythologically believe in and relate to. And I think I have a Djinn or two messing around in my life.

Let's back up. 

I want you to remember that mythology completely blurs the line between literary real and mere fiction - when I talk about these things I don't know which side of the line I'm standing on. It manages to be both somehow and we have lost our ability to understand myth in this way which is why we are so stupidly atheistic as a society. Myth is a category we simply don't care for now and I must say we need it more than ever. Compare if you will my descriptions below of Mr Octobre and lil Alec with how Dr Bernardo Kastrup speaks about his Daemon. He doesn't believe his Daemon is factually real, but yet he kinda does - it's complicated. In any case the Daemon is a description of a very real pattern in his mind and emotions. A strict distinction between real and fiction is simply not necessary. 

So whatever the ontological status of my two spiritual bad bros actually is, what is definitely real is the pattern my life moves through and my emotional reactions to them. Octobre and Alec feel real at times (I've had several conversations with Octobre, which is the oldest by the two), but I'm aware that doesn't mean too much necessarily. In any case - Octobre is a somber gentleman with the aesthetic of someone from the Victorian period. He is a predator, but he doesn't kill his prey and he doesn't live off meat. Instead he consumes loosh, an energetic substance generated from negative emotions and I happens to be his main source of food. He doesn't want to kill me or see me dead, he cares for me quite a lot in that regard - but he makes sure that my life.. never gets too good to put it that way. His sweet spot is to have me in the "even Steven" field of existence, which means he gives me miserable hell with one hand but also have no issues with me escaping those dark realms for long periods at the time. He knows that he will make me fall again in the future and he has no problem waiting for an opportunity to make that happen. In fact, the better it goes for me when I'm in May mode the better because a higher fall into misery gives a more delicious form of loosh to consume.

Naturally, I hate the guy. He is not an archon in my own mythology, he is not part of Prison Planet theory or any other gnostic system, no he is simply a predatory creature whose true ontology is vague. He doesn't seem evil, no more than a lion does to a zebra, but it is not a very fun situation to be living next door to a lion when you are a prey animal. All in all, he fits the Djinn criteria quite well. The loosh theme isn't connected to djinns however, but it doesn't seem too weird for physical creatures to live off energetic foods. Even us humans can stand to eat substantially less when we're energetically charged, i. e when in love. The odd thing still to be explained is how non-spirits can be said to eat energetic stuff from others as Octobre does. Ah well, the ontological status is secondary for this purpose anyway so let's move on. 


Lil Alec is newly discovered. I just gave him his name and a distinct look hasn't presented itself yet. But, the pattern is established since a long time ago and recently there was an event that prompted this exploration. I'm not sure if this is a universal pattern for humanity at large, but in my life this pattern often occurs: First I get an unexpected gift from the universe, something lovely that i couldn't have expected or even been praying about suddenly lands in my lap with no apparent strings attached. Only, then, to be removed just shortly there after - sometimes before I could even open the gift properly.

I once got accepted into a year long term of voluntary work in the most beautiful and amazing place on earth (Nya Slottet in Bjärka Säby) only to see it get cut short by a wild and quite shocking incident (Okay, Octobre was in on this as well, but it's still an Alec pattern as far as I'm concerned) - Another time I was going abroad and would rent an apartment owned by a fellow libertarian. It would be my first time abroad and to have a landlord who knew my physical condition would be a huge relief - only for the whole building where the apartment was in to be seriously water damaged only a week before my arrival and I needed to find another place and soon there after Octobre got me, and he got me good. A third example would be when my Inguz group got our hands on an excellent location for our purposes - we could meditate in big groups there and even ponder starting up Improv sessions again if we would like - only for an absolute freak accident damaging the floor so badly we weren't welcome anymore. I think we had under five sessions in total in that wonderful place, the gift from the universe was amazing but we didn't get to enjoy it hardly at all. 

And now something similar happened again to me and well... the common theme among all these incidents is that the trick Alec performs on me isn't actually damaging all things considered - on the one end (Bjärka - Säby) I get to experience something absolutely amazing, a set of experiences that doesn't go away only because I didn't get the full potential extent of them. On the other end, the premature nullification of an amazing gift doesn't actually make my life worse, it just messes with my head severely. It's a kind of humor that is brutal and to most senses not very funny - but I can see a spirit of sorts really enjoying it without actually being fully evil. If the receiver of the gift happens to go into a full ego - spin because of it without realizing that no real harm has been done to him, even I can see the fun in the process (just, you know, not when it happens to me) and in fact, if they then come to their senses the whole event may actually be a valuable teaching experience and Alec's activity has suddenly yielded good resultsMischievous actions for sure, but good in the end.

Do you see how a Trickster is something else entirely than an Angel or a Demon? They are Jesters, comedians of the Divine and the divine comic style differs quite a lot from the human versions. I still don't think I like Alec. He hasn't asked me for permission to hang out in my life and to my knowledge I haven't done anything to make him particularly interested in me. He just showed up and I have to deal with it as best as I can. I don't hate him as I do with Octobre, he is just severely annoying. A bit like someone too hung up on dad jokes (hi J!..) but on a cosmic kind of scale. Alec, you may enjoy your kind of humor but please perform your jokes on someone else, they are rather tiring. 


Would I prefer if Octobre and Alec didn't exist in my life at all? Of course the answer is yes, but only to a certain degree. The fact still remains that this is reality - mythologically speaking I'm certain that most of us have at least a few djinns visiting our path now and again -
 and I have simply no idea what life even would contain if djinns weren't around and twisting our lives in different directions. It's simply what it is. One way to deal with them better is to start getting finer lenses to see reality through, lenses which actually display them and gives us a stronger ability to avoid djinn-activity if we can't stand it for whatever reason. Another thing that would be fun to discover is if we would be able to visit their world as they do with ours given that the Djinn theory would turn out to be somewhat correct. My speculatory guess is that a specific segment of our dreams may function as a portal to it but I know too little about lucid dreaming and astral projection to know if this is anywhere near a realistic possibility. 

In any case. Octobre and Alec says hi to you all. They will likely be mentioned soon again in these parts of the woods..




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