My tally

This is a resumé*, a CV, but a resumé that I don't care about sending out toward the employment world. Nay, this is my attempt to "tallify" my life in a way I myself care about and the reason I am making it public is to make it possible for people out there to be inspired to do the same. Don't care to much about my categories, structure up your own if you need to - but if life is a game, or a set of games, be aware of which ones you are participating in, which ones you are doing well in and which ones you want to improve or leave behind. To come closer to playing GoG in a decent fashion I would imagine this is a crucial step. 

But since this is by its very nature quite close to the region of private stuff I will strive to write in code and the actual content below won't likely be very interesting. 



Boats: 5 (L, V, Z, F, R)
FB: 6 (V, Z, L, F, H, R)
HR: 4 (V, Z, H, R)
Ownership: 1 (2022)

Locations and visits 

Addresses: 7 (S, T, K1, K2, M1, M2, H)
Countries: 11 (Denmark, Norway, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, England, Malta, Texas, US, South Africa)
Towns: 7 (Göteborg, Stockholm, Visby, Lund, Öckerö, Borås, Linköping)

Jobs and Education

Ah. The only one seemingly relevant to society and I suck here. "Brunn, brunn, brunn" as we say in Sweden..

J: 5: Metro, JHV, M1 & M2, VK

E: 0 - None that I completed and really care for. I've tried studies in Literature, History, Drama, Theology and surely I must have earned some "points" in the system of it all, but no diplomas so bah. Zero. Null. 


No point in writing anything in public on this one, it won't be truthful anyway. Let's just say I'm not eligible for social services and I'm also not close to being able to buy my inner version of what a accessible house is worth (inflation has made this inner image highly irrelevant but still..)


What I'm most proud of honestly. My books may not be officially published but that is not the criteria if a creative work of art exists or not. All my books are completed and the manuscript has premiered on stage even. They are real things of existence, and if people only could start to understand how to read my "hymns" even my poetry could have a chance of reaching an audience. I won't hold my breath though. 

I avoid tallying things I
consumed in this area, because to me it's more interesting to reckon my output to the world, consuming stuff is all too easy to do anyway. 

Plays: 4 (BSS, Svingelskogen, Pankon, Skotten)
Books: 5 (ATKIB (P) BAoK (P) Decennium (P) JFB (NF) Skotten (MS))
Podcasts: 1 (F - 1 season, let's say 20 episodes. The way this project ended was rather dark and I'm not sure if the episodes are still available online nor do I wish to check)
Blog project: 1 completed (ASA - over 30 000 views) 
FV: 6 years of co-leading this group, tonnes of wonderful friendships, innumerable amounts of laughter and besides our main activity of holding workshops (which we did once a week for nearly all of this 6 years) we did quite a few public shows too. None in a professional sense though, so counting them is not too necessary.

Still my greatest achievement all things considered. FV is still the best thing I've done, thanks again J and all you other uncles out there. 

Thought Systems: 1 (
Inguz - Yes, I consider Inguz to be something of a "micro-religion", everything one needs to be a follower or practitioner of the thing is included or considered. However, since the event I don't care too much about it. One of its main areas, the conscious use of psychedelics, is now something I must leave completely behind so I managed the fiet of creating a thought system I as its originator doesn't even share to its full. Peculiar.)  

General commentary

It's a bit scary how short one's life becomes when one is reducing it to quantifiable categories like these above. I'm rather young, but not a junker anymore and this is pretty much what I did during my primary youth. All in all, I'm not disappointed with myself or what life had to offer. I wasted a lot of potential but I also managed to do things I truly only could dream of doing as a child. It is what it is. In the future I won't care for travels, I hope I've been abroad for the last time, and when it comes to the birds I will only care about the one I own which I hope will be for life.

I don't want to touch education again, and when it comes to jobs my conscious ambition is to be a journeyman. Our economical systems have nearly eradicated the possibility to make this life style livable but I have hardly any other choice - I don't care for jobs, I care about playing GoG and earning a livable wage is a secondary concern when submerged in that paradigm - how to eat, drink and be sheltered will work itself out. 

Neither is Economy a high priority for me, it's an easy game to tally but it's part of the game structure Biology is pumping out to existence and one of my most important aim with all of this is to exit that particular game as much as I'm allowed to. I didn't ask to play the game of Biology, I hate it to the core of my bones and the sooner I get out the better. So, even if it's fun to tally money flows I will be vary of ever be too good at this. It is not the point.

The point to me is GoG, the point is all my future mini- games. I would expect much of them will go under the category of Creativity but I'm not very sure at all. I hope somewhere to be able to construct games in need of new categories, entire new ways of thinking in terms of human behavior but I'm not close to getting that far in my way of seeing the world in this fashion. 


Another thing. 

I'm very well aware that life consists of so much more than what I'm lining up above. Friendships for example, one of the most valuable and enjoyable aspects of existence, but rather impossible to pin point to anything. I have a few friends I'm happy to call BFF but you know, we won't have any certificate on that, we won't perform any ceremonies and all the other friends that were precious to me during a certain time but haven't survived in that form to present day - what are they? 

Nah, I rather concede that huge parts of life aren't possible to quantify or to make a tally of. It has to be alright. This is true for negative things as well such as my journeys into the land of Octobre. To date I would say I've had 4 such distinctive journeys (07, 12, 18, 22) but well, naturally no actual productive value can be found among them so for completion sake I let it be said here but also I leave any further attempts of finding new categories short with this. They likely exist and I would be happy to receive suggestions, but this is it for now. My life as seen from a scoring perspective is like this.

No more, no less.


*This is meant to be updated with uneven regularity. This is version 1.1 2/10/24




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