
Showing posts from March, 2024

When you've done your best and you don't succeed - An angry tirade

Something is structurally wrong with existence. "Wrong" might be an inappropriate term for what I'm trying to say below, but if we let feelings be feelings this is certainly how this particular emotion wishes to express itself.  Yes, please be aware that this will be a text coming a bit from the left side of the scope of this project. I may seem to contradict some of my other writings when expressing this particular thought and I just want to say that I'm aware of that possibility. Since this blog has multiple purposes this is destined to occur and this text will fall under the purpose of therapy writing and if the content coming out of me goes in contrast to the purpose of developing GoG , so be it. In that case it will be a problem for a future self. * I hate the fact that one can do everything in one's might, pour out one's soul and all of one's energy, indeed really, truly doing one's best and the result one get may still be absolutely abysmal, or ...

My tally

This is a resumé*, a CV , but a resumé that I don't care about sending out toward the employment world. Nay, this is my attempt to "tallify" my life in a way I myself care about and the reason I am making it public is to make it possible for people out there to be inspired to do the same. Don't care to much about my categories, structure up your own if you need to - but if life is a game, or a set of games, be aware of which ones you are participating in, which ones you are doing well in and which ones you want to improve or leave behind. To come closer to playing GoG in a decent fashion I would imagine this is a crucial step.  But since this is by its very nature quite close to the region of private stuff I will strive to write in code and the actual content below won't likely be very interesting.  Anyhow. *    Birds  Boats: 5 (L, V, Z, F, R) FB: 6 (V, Z, L, F, H, R) HR: 4 (V, Z, H, R) Ownership: 1 (2022) Locations and visits  Addresses: 7 (S, T, K1, K2, ...

Let's talk sitcom IV: How I Met Your Mother

Disclaimer: Please be aware of the fact that in a commentary such as this series, "spoilers" may be plentiful. This may go without saying, but for this show I still want to explicitly point it out.   * At first viewing,  How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM) didn't seem very special. It's premiere was shortly after Friends had wrapped up their business and this was yet another show set in New York (were there no other cities in the US at all?) circling around the lives of a young group of friends. The main difference seemed to be that the gang in HIMYM frequented a bar instead of a coffee shop but other than that it was hard to not dismiss the show as some form of rip off of what had come just before it. "Make up your own format, dude." Adding to that, the premise was that we as an audience were forced to listen to an older version of the main character taking an awfully  long time to answer the question of the show's title. Season after season we were baited wi...

Let's Talk sitcom III: Scrubs

If I had to choose one sitcom to pick as the king among them, I would have to choose Scrubs.  It's the show I would like to have written, it's absolutely the one I often imagined myself participating in, in one role or another. Then again, I don't think you can select a single sitcom as the best in general, no one of these shows I love is perfect and neither is Scrubs which will become apparent below.  Also, I'm biased, Scrubs is "my" show in terms of age - in its run I'm a teenager and a young adult. Me and my friends adopt the show as ours and during the years we quote stuff from the series endlessly. "Eagle", "Brown bear" "So's your face" et cetera are staples within the banter in our group. My way of looking at the shows original run on air is undeniably through rose tainted glasses - it wouldn't really be fair to all the others if this would be cleared out as the best among them, but it is indeed my personal favor...

Let's Talk Sitcom II: Friends

I was a bit too young to fully experience the frenzy that was Friends while it was on air. I watched the show, but from a child's perspective where I couldn't truly understand what was going on. Friends was funny adults doing funny stuff and it was a hopeless task to get any significant amount of the references and general vibe of the show. Still I got that this series would be a defining example of what TV was for my generation or at least the one right above my own. Everyone knew Friends, everyone remembers it. Fondly or otherwise.  Yes, it's a bit tricky writing about Friends because it's a show so many have had opinions on. Either because one can't get enough of it or precisely because one has gotten enough of the thing. This is a show people love to hate, so much so that they kind of forget to judge it fairly. To my mind, they hate more on the hype and the general frenzy that was Friends than the actual content that the show brought out. The latter is the only ...

Let's Talk Sitcom I: Unfinished business

When it comes to television my go to genre is definitely sitcoms. These comedic shows arrive in various formats and in different styles of comedy, but if sitcoms would be distilled into something they all have in common I would say it is to be a show centered around a group of people, following a distinct segment of their lives. We enter at one stage of it and exit at another, and during that time we have seen a certain development taking place where the characters may have grown into mature adults, entering parenthood or moved from the region they started in. It varies greatly in practice, but in essence a sitcom is not meant to have any greater plot than the events of life in general. It's Sims as a TV-version, but with providing laughter to the viewer as an aim instead of an interactive experience for the player.  * As with every genre you can be a fan of it and still dislike certain elements or defining parts of it - but with comedy this is especially relevant to point out. A ...

Whatever the future holds - Will after a nuclear spiritual event

So much has changed in such a radical fashion so unbelievably fast. I thought the threefold articles named "after a spiritual nuclear event" would be the hardest for me to write and that they would be the kick start I needed to get everything else going in this project, but no, everything has just been running smoothly as it is and the two first pieces of this mini-series just flushed through me like they were written by somebody other than myself. Ok. I am not doing this. All of this is happening through me by a faculty of existence I can only speculate what their nature might be consisting of. I'm happy that they're active - it's fun sitting by the computer smattering on the tangents as quickly and stringently as I might in this foreign language of the English but I'm not entirely sure what is going on.  Initially I thought this article would be a creative session consisting of me jamming out more or less unlikely things I'd like to do if the metaphysica...

A cake made out of myths - Belief after a spiritual nuclear event

I set up this blog post almost at the creation of the blog itself and I thought that I had to struggle rather much to conjure up things I believe in after such a long time where belief in anything except what my immediate perceptions told me was impossible. Turns out that was not the case, the return to my normal mind set has activated all my previous belief systems and I could quickly spit out text after text explaining their structures and meme content without too much hesitation involved. I believe in stuff, clearly - so this text will be an exercise in keeping it short and constraint rather than a struggle to find anything, anything at all to claim as my beliefs. For me, that's a relief.  * i like to begin by talking a bit about the concept of paradigms. A paradigm in this context is to be understood as a set of beliefs that form a cohesive whole. Everything within a paradigm fits together and you can take a paradigm as a given and by doing that you get the axioms and prem...

A presentation of the Meaningmaker - Identity after a spiritual nuclear event

My spiritual journey took a specific direction in the autumn of 2018 and since then the process of identification within myself has never been the same. I vaguely remember how the world felt when one really thought that one was a specific human individual walking around in an objectively existing world together with other human individuals. One thought that way because there were truly no alternatives and that was how existence presented itself. Sure, it was weird even back then but if theism ever has a strength it is that the "God-explanation" for weird things are initially compelling. Theism is the original "simulation theory" - but theists call it "creation" instead and if there is an super powerful being, why wouldn't they be able to create a constructed world where lesser beings can insert themselves and play things out - live life, simply put? That world view worked well enough, even though it was frustrating at times, the worst part of it was ...