Whatever the future holds - Will after a nuclear spiritual event

So much has changed in such a radical fashion so unbelievably fast. I thought the threefold articles named "after a spiritual nuclear event" would be the hardest for me to write and that they would be the kick start I needed to get everything else going in this project, but no, everything has just been running smoothly as it is and the two first pieces of this mini-series just flushed through me like they were written by somebody other than myself.


I am not doing this. All of this is happening through me by a faculty of existence I can only speculate what their nature might be consisting of. I'm happy that they're active - it's fun sitting by the computer smattering on the tangents as quickly and stringently as I might in this foreign language of the English but I'm not entirely sure what is going on. 

Initially I thought this article would be a creative session consisting of me jamming out more or less unlikely things I'd like to do if the metaphysical stars were aligned in certain ways and when that seemed too unlikely to write about I thought about writing about "free will" as a concept but that is way too pretentious for this blog to even attempt give an opinion on and now I simply don't know. Will is a crucial concept, especially in an idealist framework and I want to nail down some sort of image for my future self what the concept of will means to, eh, well.. my current self. 


Let's see it this way. The Absolute is doing what it is doing. Someone is doing Something and when that is taking place smaller entities, within the realms of the Relative, are allowed to come forth and approach existence with their own being's worth of opinions, wants and wills. I'm not sure if the Absolute cares about this in the slightest, rather I imagine They will crush on with whatever project They have constructed for themselves and They will go with it in their own chosen pace until the very end of it. We, the smaller entities, can only scramble in the waves of the rampaging of the Absolute and see what is left for us to, uh, understand. 

They, the Absolute, have the Freedom and They are the source of every conception if Will there is to be had. Sure, us the smaller entities, believe ourselves to be in possession of something worthy of being named "will" but it's only the Absolute that can be a perfect judge if that is actually the case. 

The point of this rambling is to say that we have no actual idea what is going on with our thoughts, our preferences or our identity. It is just taking place. The Absolute does what it does and everything else follows. Including this blog, my project regarding the gamifying of existence and my own damned being as it is. I'm at the hands of the Absolute and if I like, accept or fight against it doesn't matter in the slightest. 

I'm aware of all this. This project of mine is not launched as a measure to - if ever so unlikely - maybe conquer a tiny little region of the land of the Absolute to claim as my own. No, I can only hope my work and my silly ambitions are amusing to whatever entities that are allowed to exist in Their own regions. I'm an ant in a world of gargantuan giants, I'm aware of that, but I still have to perform my "anting" until the day I am made to stop and well... 

This blog, This project of mine named GoG is my way of being an ant in an existence filled with giants. I don't heckin' know what is going on! I'm just jiving here, trying to not be whistled off the stage entirely at the sign of my first grave mistake upon it..


So. I planned the latter segment of this particular blog post to be about the mini-games I imagined myself creating onward, but, you know... As an ant I'm still struggling here, trying to understand if there is any of my kind nearby even worth trying to signal to. Yes, it's true that I'm already has started to be engaged in acting, in being a chairman of a gaming community, in being a frekkin party leader for a rebellious political party soon able to take over the world. All of this is actually happening, but is that really about.. me, in the end?`It's just happening in a mind space that less than two months ago were pitch grey and all activities of any kind were distant as fuck. Like, 1000 porn movies a day kind of a fuckin' distance away..

I mean. Free will? Control? I simply don't think so. 


Listen. The world needs to change its ways, we need fresh perspectives, fresh voices and the sounds of Bravery, Courage and Strength within our midst and I have no plan other than trying to be a portal for those values and abilities to come forth but in all earnest honesty: I have no clue what is going on! The clouds are moving along the sky and the rains are raining regardless of what I'm saying about it and, you know...

I will try to keep it that way. Gets so messy otherwise. You lot who get it, get it. The rest of y'all. Bah. Go to church next Sunday or something...  


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