
Me and the 12

So, the time has come to present to the world a few of my inner friends - they came to me in a very special autumn a few years back. They all represent the fact that my own being is not a completely cohesive entity worthy of the name I carry in the world. Rather, I'm a bundle of processes, streams of wills and patterns whirling around in my personal mind and the fact that I feel as a single person is either an illusion or something of a miracle, a creation orchestrated from the divine realms of existence. This group of twelve I consider as governors of these mentioned processes. The processes themselves are likely all too numerable to be counted and categorized properly, but the twelve is distinct enough to me to be able to roughly take care of them all.  It's important to note that I, Simon Jester, isn't these beings. To believe such would be a symptom of desillusion disorder and even if this alchemic image below likely is inspired from my study of that disorder, the twelv

Politics Part III: Theology

Ok. I will try to write about the intersection between politics and theology. Good luck . First of all I don’t expect too many to understand the angle I wish to highlight in some sense in this post, and second of all, this subject is so explosive that whatever a reader takes from this it might be highly offensive to them, I don’t know. Politics sucks, in so many ways, but the way it undeniably creates division and hatred is god damn depressing. Anyway, the starting point I would like to begin with is the sober realization that people in the general west have lost their theological language and therefore the ability to understand issues of a higher nature than the relatively mundane reality we can explore with secular language tools. I don’t want to blame anyone but the religious crowd for this loss, we among the religious have through centuries weaponised all kinds of theological language in order to topple each other down for the goal of being correct . The consequence of this behavio

Politics Part II: Government

I am indeed an anarchist. Through the intense events of the years since Malta this has remained true, but what may have changed since then is that the identity as an anarchist has gotten more to do with my existential views than what politics may concern. In a way anarchy in politics is a dead end, it doesn't mean too much. If there are no rulers, no primary groups, organisations or individuals that are given the right to lead, act as arbiters in conflicts or punish when so is necessary there isn't much of a society at all. Of course there are suggestions for systems that would be in place of the NAP-assaulting form of ruler we have today within anarcho-capitalism but in a world of chimpanzees the suggestions of orangutangs doesn't carry too much weight. There is a mentality in humanity that makes any form of political anarchism either a hellscape or an eternal abstraction.  * In this text I would like to talk about the main reason, the main aspect of the human mind, that m

Politics - Part I: Economy

It's time.  In a sense I wished this place would leave politics out of it, beyond my explorations of the anarcho-capitalistic ethics but I can't really hold the door keeping the pesky subject of politics out any longer. The world is simply all too weird.  Listen, the reason I don't wish to care for politics is because that field by its very nature is meant to divide and sow resentment between groups. To a certain degree this is unavoidable because there are undeniably different groups out there in society at large and these needs to find a way to co-exist - violently or not, with hostility or not, the possible path ways needs to be found, explored and discussed and this activity is politics by its very definition. Still, how you do this can be quite different and today our democratic discourse is simply not honest. To my mind it seems like a theater meant to create and build up existing divisions instead of actually trying to reach agreeable solutions to as many groups as p

My Friends - The Five

  It’s been a while. I won’t dwell on why I have been absent from this project, but I just want it to be on the record that I absolutely love what I’ve been absorbed into instead and it is somewhat a pity that I can’t really show or talk about what that is in a public setting. Life is odd. The only sad thing with the redirection of my focus is that I had such an abundance of ideas for texts to be written, and an initial commitment to get them out before the summer became to strong too ignore, but alas - the ideas are still left unwritten and now I’m not too sure if I will care about them in the same way. We’ll see. * I’m back though in order to talk about a new group of… friends that have entered my consciousness and I like to present them here if only for my own future remembrance. These characters are an example of “spiritual creativity” and I realise it might be necessary for me to stress the “Kastrupian ambiguity” about this category of beings, as it is in this case. This group of