
Showing posts from April, 2024

Partiet Tomma Stolarna (Demokraterna)

Partiet Tomma Stolarna (Demokraterna) Detta parti vill verka för en enda sak: Motverka korruption och girighet inom svensk politik! Detta ska göras genom att verka för att a) antalet platser i politiska församlingar på riks, landstings och kommunnivå ska halveras b) varje politikers arvode ska halveras så långt det är möjligt, oavsett nivå och befattning. Detta inkluderar sådant som lön, fallskärmsavtal, partistöd och andra typer av stöd till politiska befattningar och partier via offentliga medel. Det är viktigt att påpeka att denna enda målsättning inte grundar sig på politikerförakt eller missaktning för vår demokrati. Nej, närmast tvärtom. Vi anser att ett parti av vår sort behövs för att den nödvändiga politik som är tänkt att genomföras i vårt land ska hålla sig sund och korruptionsfri. Vi vill vara en motpol mot de destruktiva tendenser i form av exempelvis girighet och överflödig byråkrati som politiken och politikern alltid behöver kämpa emot och vi vill se oss som en utsträ

Taskmaster - A general review

Taskmaster has ended up as one of my absolute favorite shows on television. One of the reasons for this is because it is so difficult to box it into a given category of light entertainment shows on television. On paper I suppose it is seen as a panel show, but it could just as easily be seen as a form of sitcom or perhaps a reality show to some degree. Or why not a sports series? The appeal of following Taskmaster to me is that in part it doesn't feel like watching a television show, you peak into a whole universe of its own.  * Taskmaster is created by the comedian Alex Horne , who also serves as the taskmaster's assistant  and the show saw its premiere in 2015 in the UK. Shortly thereafter the concept spread around the globe and currently there have been 13 countries airing their own version of the show, among them Bäst i Test (BiT)  here in Sweden and when it comes to the reviewing part I will limit myself to the original UK version and BiT, the other international versions

The Knights of Ripipip - A cry for assistance

I have written the essence of this text before in Swedish back on ASA , but I wish to take yet another take on the subject of psychedelics. In any case, those texts were written in a personal paradigm of mine where I thought I would be able to enjoy psychedelics in numerous ways plenty of times during my lifetime. It didn't really turn out that way. My conscious journey on that particular road has stopped - so my personal question is, what and who is Lucy to me when I'm forced to stay on the sideline of it all?  * First things first: My personal criteria for what is to be considered a substance worthy of being called psychedelics is rather strict. A psychedelic substance can't be a challenge to the body in a physical sense, there can't be any risks of causing physical harm to oneself if one would overdose a few units over the recommended amount. Remember that everything can be dangerous or lethal if you take enough of it, I'm not saying that it should be safe to tak