Religion - Its proper purpose
Oh no. I will try to write about the term religion again. This pesky word, that is so heavily abused in all kinds of ways that it many times during my life's journeys has been impossible to use, even though I in some certain ways always have been religious. Yet terms like "spiritual" or "idealist" or what have you often has been better to use just to get people to understand what line of life I'm actually pursuing and for them not to hear their prejudices or simply their own version of the term which may be the opposite of what I actually mean myself by the term. Now I am at the point however where I'm not afraid of these misconceptions, at least not in the same way I was before. Religion and to be religious is in my mind the solution to so many issues in our current age. We have tried to let this modality of human life to be an artefact of the past and in a pursuit in accordance with the spirit of enlightenment instead forming human life in a differ...